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Open Enrollment Season | Workforce PayHub

Written by Eric Jones | Nov 15, 2021 6:43:44 PM

Open Enrollment Season

Open enrollment. As employers, it’s a term that is well known. How does one effectively communicate with their employees and provide a pleasant benefit enrollment experience? Workforce PayHub has the tools you need to provide a seamless open enrollment period to employees and help everyone be on the same page. Don’t let open enrollment bring any more stress than it needs to. Read to see how an HRIS like Workforce PayHub is the right solution for you.

Health Insurance. Benefits. Open enrollment. Do hearing those words bring stress? If so, no need to stress; we’ve got all the tools to help make your open enrollment process smoother. What is open enrollment? Open enrollment is the time period each year where an individual is allowed to start, stop or change their health insurance plan. Anyone who is eligible can sign up for health care coverage that will start on January 1st of the following year.

There’s a lot of questions and misconceptions that come up every year when the open enrollment period rolls around. The open enrollment period is important because it’s the only time of the year you can purchase health insurance, unless a significant life change occurs. During open enrollment individuals can enroll in their qualified health plan either through the federal Marketplace of a private insurer. Throughout this process, it’s important for employers to effectively communicate with employees about their benefits, various packages, and the window they have to enroll in those benefits. Workforce PayHub has the solution for you - employees can enroll in a benefits package online using the online electronic enrollment system. They can use their mobile phone or a computer and can sign up from wherever.  The goal is to automate, streamline, and engage employees in this whole process. Workforce PayHub takes the information entered from the employee and takes care of enrolling them with their provider.

At Workforce PayHub, our HRIS supports companies throughout the Great Lakes Region and beyond to manage HR by keeping employees’ information records, and processes completely paperless in a single database. We can help streamline your end-to-end HR management directly in the HR HUB, from recruitment to retirement. Workforce PayHub is here to make your life as an employer easier. Take Kathy Dillion for example. Kathy is the HR Manager at Del Bene Produce. Kathy explained how Workforce PayHub has made benefits and the open enrollment process easier. 

“The key to the success has been the collaborative effort between my insurance contact and my Workforce (PayHub) contact. The two of them working together and coming to me with any questions has been so helpful. The two of them coming together is a life saver.”

Is open enrollment the only time of the year when an individual can enroll in health benefits? Yes, however, life does happen and there are some life changes where it requires a change in benefits. Things like marriage, a divorce, and the birth of a child. These life changes can be handled seamlessly through Workforce PayHub. Employees can go into the online system and select from a pre-set list of life change events and enroll just like they would during open enrollment.

Open enrollment is a crucial time of the year, and it is up to you as the employer to have the best processes set up to help your employees. That means, easy, online enrollment, excellent communication, and taking unnecessary stress off your plate. Workforce PayHub is here to help you succeed.