Posts By : Eric Jones

Effective Strategies for Managing Seasonal Workforce in Restaurants

Seasonal fluctuations are a part of life when it comes to running a restaurant. Things can get hectic during the tourist season and around certain holidays, while you experience a lull in business at other times of the year. You will have to get used to managing seasonal restaurant staff if you want to succeed. Fortunately, there are seasonal payroll solutions that can help make your life easier …

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Payroll for Insurance Firms: Simplifying Calculations and Commission

Accurately calculating compensation in the insurance industry goes well beyond just making sure people get paid what they’re owed. The insurance industry has complex compensation models and any errors, payment delays, or confusing calculations can undermine employee trust.…

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Best Practices for Payroll Compliance in the Insurance Sector

As a business in the insurance sector, payroll compliance can be an enormous source of stress. Insurance companies often have unique considerations, such as using a commission-based payment system, which makes the process more complex than a straightforward 9-5 hourly wage.…

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2024 FTC Ruling: New Ban on Non-Compete Clauses

In April 2024, the FTC passed a ban on non-compete agreements, which has far-reaching impacts on how businesses write their job contracts and interact with their employees. Non-competes have allowed businesses to restrict employees' ability to leave a business to work for themselves or a direct competitor using the knowledge they learned through their previous job.…

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2024 Update: New Federal Exempt Wage Minimums

In April 2024, the Biden-Harris administration issued a new final rule through the Department of Labor regarding the minimum threshold for salaried employees to qualify for overtime pay. The federal exempt wage minimum is tentatively scheduled to increase on July 1, 2024, and again on January 1, 2025.…

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Navigating Summer Vacations: Effective Balancing of Staff and PTO

Many small businesses struggle with balancing staffing needs and employees taking paid time off during the summer months. If too many workers take a break at the same time, it can disrupt business continuity. Balancing staff and PTO can be challenging if it's not handled properly. Let's look at some strategies and tips for ensuring employees get the vacation time they've earned, without …

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Optimizing Staff Schedules: Strategic PTO Management for Summer Operations

As summer arrives, many people look forward to all the wonderful vacations they have scheduled. Whether they want to spend time at the beach or the mountains, summer is a popular time to enjoy time off from the grind of the work day.…

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Non-Profit Payroll Compliance: Key Legal Considerations for Non-Profit Organizations 

Nonprofits have a unique standing in the economy. Rather than generating profit for shareholders, they have a mission that qualifies them for the unique 501(c)3 status with the IRS.…

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Navigating Church Payroll: Best Practices for Clergy and Staff Compensation

Payroll functions differently for a church compared to a private business. There are varying withholding rules for pastors, employees, and contractors, with certain exemptions applicable to some positions but not to others. It is important to follow church payroll best practices to comply with state and federal regulations. Utilizing a payroll partner familiar with payroll for churches can help …

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Simplifying Church Payroll: Essential Tips for Accurate and Efficient Management

Payroll for churches can be challenging due to the regulatory burdens on charitable organizations. Incorrect filings can result in penalties for a church to pay the IRS. Simplifying church payroll processes is the best way to stay in compliance with regulations while efficiently managing and streamlining operations. Here are some tips for accurate and efficient management when it comes to church …

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We're Ready To Talk Payroll