Payroll Taxes? No Problem! We’ve Got you Covered

Who’s responsible for paying your payroll taxes when you outsource to a third party? Is it up to the employer? More stress added to an employer’s plate? Nope! Think again. When you outsource to Workforce PayHub, we take on the responsibility of making those payments to the IRS. We’ve got your back. 

Calculator and W-2 form

Outsourcing payroll can come with some concerns. Trusting another company with pertinent information can be a leap of faith, and certain questions may arise during the process. For example, who is responsible for making tax payments when payroll is outsourced? Well, here at Workforce PayHub, we take over that responsibility. 

Workforce PayHub Can Submit Payroll Taxes Accurately and Reliably

So, what are the benefits of outsourcing payroll? Why is it a good option? It helps employers save time and money. By outsourcing payroll, employers no longer have to spend long hours on administrative work and are able to focus on important day-to-day business duties. It’s written in our contract that we will cover penalties and interest if something happens to go wrong.

When you outsource to Workforce PayHub, we take on the responsibility, the accuracy, and the timeliness and make those payments to the IRS, and state and local agencies on your behalf. You are not responsible for anything. Sit back and relax - we got this.*

Here at Workforce PayHub we want you to be able to run your business while we handle the behind-the-scenes tasks. We are here to make your lives easier. A partnership with Workforce PayHub brings peace of mind to you and your business. Tax season is not always the easiest time of year. It can bring stress, uneasiness, and can add way more to an employer’s plate. Let Workforce PayHub help you with your payroll so tax season doesn’t have to be a headache anymore.

If you are a Great Lakes Region-based employer, or any employer looking for a leading payroll outsourcing service, reach out to us, we’d love to help you. Connect with us today to see how we are already helping countless companies across 40 states with payroll. 

*The taxpayer is ultimately responsible for timely and accurate tax deposits and reporting, but our agreement backs you 100% by taking that burden from you in our legal obligation to pay and report timely.  

Eric Jones
Step-By-Step Payroll Process: Small Business How Do Tax Changes Happen When You Outsource Payroll?
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