
Master Year-End Payroll Like a Pro

As the year draws to its end, small businesses face the annual challenge of closing their books and getting ready for tax season. With several crucial deadlines and compliance requirements, year-end payroll can often be overwhelming.…

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Salary vs. Hourly: Breaking Down Compensation Models

If you're trying to determine whether offering your employees hourly pay or salary is more beneficial, it's important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of both compensation methods. Hourly employees are compensated for the specific hours they work, which is ideal for businesses that require in-person attendance. Retail, food service and hospitality industries often choose to pay their …

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Why a Strong Payroll Provider Relationship is Essential for Long-term Success

An effective and reliable payroll is one of the essential components of most businesses. Employees rely on payroll to get paid, while managers rely on their payroll service to ensure that everyone, from part-time seasonal workers to seasoned employees, can get what they need for doing a job well done.…

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The Role of Payroll in Reducing New Hire Turnover

Payroll plays an essential role in employee satisfaction. This is true of all employees but particularly true with new employees who do not yet have loyalty or an investment in their new company. When a company can offer their new employee a competitive compensation package, good benefits, and a partnership with a capable, competent payroll service, it's easier for them to stay satisfied in their …

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Can I Really Process Payroll from the Beach?

If you’re like most people, you’ve probably heard that technology has gotten so good that you can do your job from anywhere, including processing payroll. But has it gotten so good that you can process payroll while lounging on the beach?…

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Tips for Managing Payroll Over the Summer

Payroll processing can be quite chaotic for most businesses. It's a time when everyone needs to be extra vigilant to ensure that employee hours are accurately calculated, hourly and salary payments are correct, and payroll is processed on schedule so employees receive their pay on time. As a result, the HR department usually needs to be fully available during payroll processing, making it …

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Who Should Process Payroll: HR or Finance?

When deciding who should handle payroll processing - HR or Finance - there is no clear-cut answer. It all boils down to the unique needs of each organization. In some instances, it makes sense for the finance department to take charge, while the HR team may be better suited for the task in others. However, it's crucial to remember that straying from the conventional approach can introduce …

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Should Your Accountant Handle Payroll?

As a business owner, you know that making good financial choices is essential for your company's success and development. One of those important tasks is managing payroll. One critical choice you may be wrestling with is whether to entrust your accountant with the responsibility of managing your payroll.…

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What is a Payroll Nexus & What Are the Requirements?

Some employers may be aware of payroll nexus requirements that apply to musicians and professional athletes who perform out of state and are subject to payroll, income, or sales taxes in one or more jurisdictions. However, with the rise of remote and hybrid work, businesses with employees that work in multiple states need to fully understand payroll nexus requirements that apply to each state or …

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Understanding and Preventing Common Payroll Errors

Any business, small or large, needs to have a system in place for handling payroll activities. It’s important to set your business up with the right procedures and protocols to stay on top of managing payroll. If not managed properly, payroll can cost both the business and the employee time and money.…

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We're Ready To Talk Payroll