Are You Ready to Onboard New Hires?
Many states are opening up their local economies again and businesses are ready to bring back laid-off, furloughed, or new employees. With Workforce PayHub's web-based HR software on your team, there is nothing to fear. Check out the video below to learn more and make sure to reach out to us at!
For a full transcript of the video, you can download it here.
When it comes to employers looking for a way to rebuild the top-performing workforces that they had prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one simple method that they can't overlook if they are going to be successful. That method is hiring back old employees that were otherwise let go due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
However, getting those employees to come back can be really difficult. One way to make it easier is by a good and smooth onboarding process, made possible by using a modern, cloud-based employee onboarding solution.
If you are a Michigan-based employer struggling with rehiring employees, perhaps it is time to try revamping your onboarding process.
To see how Workforce Payhub is already helping countless businesses with their employee onboarding, contact us today.