Our Blog | Insight Beyond Payroll

Payroll Automation in Long-Term Care: Streamlining Processes for Efficiency and Accuracy

Payroll management at long-term care facilities can be a complicated process. In the past, payroll at these facilities was manually tracked and processed, leading to inefficiencies and mistakes. However, by automating payroll in long-term care, processes can be streamlined, resulting in improved accuracy, reduced errors, and time saved for long-term care employees.…

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Ensuring Data Security in Long Term Care Payroll Processing

Data security is a crucial issue for modern organizations. Data is valuable, and malicious individuals can steal it and use it for their own purposes. Payroll and healthcare data are especially important because they often contain personal information that must be kept confidential.…

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Streamlining Payroll Processing for Long Term Care Facilities

Every industry and business faces unique payroll challenges, and long-term care facilities are no different. Some of these challenges can lead to slow and inefficient payroll processing. If you work in the payroll department for a long-term care facility or are a manager, owner or supervisor of such a facility, there are strategies you can use to improve payroll processes.…

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Automating Deductions: Streamlining Payroll with Technology

Historically, payroll management has been a manual process. Many organizations still use paper-based manual payroll systems, which come with a host of challenges: sensitive information, like employees' addresses and Social Security numbers, isn't secure. Manual payroll processing is rife with errors, and puts a strain on HR and finance teams that is only compounded by paychecks needing to be …

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Payroll Compliance for Trades Businesses: Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Skilled trades like HVAC, plumbing, construction, and other jobs in this vein come with an array of payroll compliance challenges. In addition to the standard labor and payroll regulations that all employers must comply with, there may be additional state laws governing the trades. Trade unions may also set their own stipulations that affect pay, benefits, overtime, and downtime, which make …

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Managing Seasonal Fluctuations: Payroll Strategies for Skilled Trades

Payroll management can be a complicated task in the skilled trades industry. Workforce size typically fluctuates based on season, with more employees working longer hours during peak demand periods. As a result, having a flexible payroll solution that can adapt to these changes can help alleviate some of the stress associated with managing payroll in this industry.…

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How to Correct Year-End Payroll Information

Year-end payroll corrections are crucial for maintaining compliance with tax regulations and ensuring employees receive accurate tax documents. Errors such as incorrect Social Security numbers (SSNs), wrong names, issues with Third Party Sick Pay (3PSP), unreported cash bonuses, and changes in employee addresses can significantly impact tax filings.…

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Second Job or Part-Time Work & Federal Income Tax: Understanding Your W-2 and Pay Statement

It's important to remember that the IRS requires taxes to be paid on income earned from any source, including income from a second job or part-time work. If you have done any side work in the past year or are currently doing so, it's essential to understand how this may affect your income taxes.…

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ITINs vs. SSNs: Can I Work in the US?

If you're a non-U.S. citizen who is currently residing in the United States, you may be wondering whether or not you're eligible to work. From international students and temporary workers to immigrants and expatriates, many different populations of non-U.S. citizens share this same question.…

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Understanding Iowa's Updated Payroll Reporting Requirements: Essential Information for the Fiscal Year

As an employer operating in Iowa, it is crucial to stay informed about the state's payroll reporting requirements. This involves not only keeping up-to-date with new legislation but also adjusting your processes accordingly to ensure compliance.…

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